W5: Transportation
Introduction: We hope you enjoy your journey through the fascinating world of transport, which affects every aspect of our lives, from daily commutes to international trade. In this blog, we'll go on a fascinating journey through the state of transport right now and consider how it might change over the next 40 years. Settle in as we explore the world of cutting-edge technologies, game-changing inventions, and ground-breaking concepts that will influence the future of transportation. Picture from https://bernardmarr.com/the-future-trends-in-mobility-and-transportation/ The Current State of Transportation: The current transportation landscape is made up of a variety of modes of transportation, ranging from conventional vehicles like cars, buses, and trains to cutting-edge ideas like hyperloops and autonomous vehicles. Technologies like electric cars, ride-hailing services, and high-speed trains have already brought about notable changes. However, issues like clogged roads, ca...